Enjoy traveling with us across the blue Pacific Ocean and meet people, many of whom, have suffered in pain for years but are now rejoicing in newness of life. Many of the videos will make you smile, cry, and laugh—almost at the same time. These programs will be aired on various networks. Check out the short takes below.

Pack Your Bags

Pack your bags and join your Host Jim Ayer as he travels the island nations of Micronesia. You will be amazed at the beauty, history, and culture of this amazing corner of the world. You will be introduced to the Eel People, and many other people you will not soon forget.

Jim Ayer in hat

Jim Ayer, VP Advancement


You Don't Want to Miss These

Videos from the Micronesia Islands. Grab your bag of popcorn and enjoy!

A Smile Worth a Thousand Words

His wife refused to let him in the door. "You are not my husband! My husband is ugly. You are not coming in."

Sheila's Expertise

She has performed this technique more than 30,000 times. This video is not for the squeamish, however.

The Amazing Volunteer

Get your own guided tour in the operating room as Doctor "Jack" shares the inside story regarding surgeries in Pohnpei.

From One of Our Volunteers

Doctor David Gano shares why he has been on eight Canvasback Missions -- critical trips

The Difference She is Making

Mara would rather spend her vacation time helping people see again.

Sight Restored Changed the Entire Family

Robuti's entire family was changed by the work of the Ophthalmic Super Team's work to restore the child's sight.

Be Part of The Island Miracle

There is more than one way to engage in mission work for Canvasback