One Miracle At A Time

By Jamie Spence

Book Offer - Chapter One - FREE

The Canvasback Story

The untold story...

"We had sailed the 68 nautical miles from Utupua Island on a broad reach with the “Sea Squirrel,” our self-steering wind vane, wandering a few degrees with the vagaries of the wind but accurately averaging our course. Jacque had just finished reducing my noon sextant shots of our nearest star, the Sun, so we were confident of our position at sea and the sweet fragrance of tropical flowers confirmed what our sextant revealed. The island was near. Jacque’s head popped up in the hatch above the chart table at my cry of, “Land Ho!” On the horizon dead ahead a small mountain was materializing."






Witch Doctor

Who are those who lurk in the night on the remote island of Santa Cruz? His name was Hendry… a powerful witch doctor who was both revered and feared. Some called his kind Kustom Killers...but God changed him.

This story and many more are in the forth-coming book by Jamie Spence called One Miracle at a time.

Right now you can download the first chapter FREE of charge. You will be happy you did!