Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

the work


Canvasback’s work and goal is to set people free from the bonds of debilitating health and to share uplifting lifestyle changes by treating urgent medical issues, helping manage chronic illnesses, and creating a culture of wellness.

give urgent medical care

We bring immediate disease intervention by way of our specialty medical teams. Our teams provide life-saving surgeries, treatments, and screenings on-island.


Partnering with volunteers and governments.  Canvasback annually coordinates five to eight Specialty Teams—groups consisting of 10-20 doctors, nurses, medical staff, and support people who are sent with the goal of conducting life-changing surgeries and treatments.

Free, affordable service. Every service we offer to the islanders during these trips is free. This means a lot to a person in the islands, where the average monthly income is under $100. When surgeries cost thousands of dollars, our programs are often the only chance people have of being treated.

Medical Specialties. Canvasback's medical specialty teams are Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Dental, Ear Nose and Throat, Dermatology, Urology, Colonoscopy and Cardiology.

Diabetes Intervention Program. Trained community health teams visit homes across the island, caring for diabetes patients and those at risk for stroke and heart disease. Once they identify people in need, the teams return regularly to monitor check blood pressure, blood sugar as well as to instruct them on better ways to live and take care of themselves.

Wellness Center Pre-diabetes program. Canvasback is on the cutting edge of diabetes reversal and prevention. Our Lifestyle Coaches travel to churches and villages, leading islanders away from previously destructive habits by helping them embrace exercise, and a healthy diet. The program has proven so effective we are now looking to become the nation's first pre-diabetes clinic.

Cancer Patient Exercise and Cooking Program. This program offers a way for  cancer survivors to become healthy and active again. At the Wellness Center Gym they work with our trained staff, who teaches them effective exercise regimens, and in the demonstration kitchen they learn how to cook healthy food. The gym and programs are free of charge!

manage chronic illnesses

Our Wellness Center programs give islanders the resources they need to manage their illnesses, with home nurse visits to check insulin and other diabetic markers, as well as assistance making and getting to doctor’s appointments.


create a culture of wellness

A major focus of the Canvasback Wellness Center, which we established on the atoll of Majuro, targets lifestyle change through diet and exercise. True health comes by educating people. Proper food and exercise will totally changer one's life--for the better. Trained Wellness teams visit neighborhoods monitoring blood glucose levels, heart rate and blood pressure, then provide counsel to reverse their health issues. Because of the Wellness Center, island nations are realizing that diabetes is reversible. They too are now seeking the help of Canvasback.


Home Garden Program. Fresh produce is hard to come by in the Marshall Islands. Gardens are difficult to grow on the atolls, which contain little soil, and purchasing vegetables is prohibitively expensive for many families. But Canvasback has created a way the islanders can grow their own gardens, starting with a bag of compost and followed by gardening classes. To date, over three hundred home gardens have been established in Majuro and the number is growing.

Outer Island Garden Program. Each Friday, the Wellness Center offers gardening classes to people visiting from outer islands. Participants are even given a bag of compost to start their own home garden.

Fighting Climate Change. The Wellness Center on Majuro has embarked on a four-year program to focus on climate change issues and health issues in the RMI. The Wellness Center, with multiple partnerships, is doing sustainable agriculture work as well as increase health resiliency of the population in several outer islands.

Soon, the doctor was peering through the microscope at the boy's eyes. He had been blind from birth and now they were prepping him for the delicate surgery.


On the morning of the following day, the bandages were removed. They fell slowly from his eyes ... anticipation, wonder, and then, the 7-year-old looked at his mom with a smile and spoke ... It was his first time, ever, to see his mother and father.

get involved

Find out how you can become part of the work in Micronesia.  Donate, volunteer, or work with us.